Sunday Faith2Life

Sunday mornings, 9:00 a.m. we are going through a study of the book of Revelation.  Revelation means unveiling, or revealing something beforehand yet unknown, yet many walk away from this book more confused than when they started.  If we want to understand the content of Revelation we must understand its context.  It is an epistle to seven churches, a prophecy of things yet to come, and apocalyptic, meaning it will use symbols to communicate truth.

Join us for this deep dive as we explore various viewpoints on this final book of the Bible and discover the encouragement within using scripture as a commentary on scripture.

Revelation Faith2Life Discussion
Tuesday Faith2Life

Join us starting on August 13 on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. as we travel through the book of John exploring one of the gospels and the light it sheds on Jesus.  No workbook, nothing to buy, just the Bible.  Each week we read a chapter to discuss.  You are invited to bring your questions and observations of the text and we will discuss it together.

Wednesday Faith2Life
Men's Study of Joshua

Join us Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. as a group of men walk through the book of Joshua chapter by chapter.  This is an ecumenical men's group with men from various churches in the area.  Nothing to buy, no book but the Bible.  Bring your insights, bring your questions, and let's discuss God's word together.

Saturday Faith2Life

Wake up with Jesus!  For you early risers we meet at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings to enjoy a fresh pot of coffee, fellowship, and discussion of God's word.  This group has been primarily men but is open to both men and women; we just haven't had many women rise to the challenge!  We would love to have you join the fun.

We encourage everyone at Network Bible to connect to a Faith2Life group as well as to study on their own.  We grow best as we study, fellowship, and worship together.  Join a group, ask for more information, or inquire how you can join via Zoom.